
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hunter T13 2-Piece Bonus

Hello my single reader! I haven't posted on this blog for a while, rather I've been writing my unintelligent posts over at Kluptomania.I'd just like to talk about the 2-Piece bonus we hunters get on our T13 and how it affects BM and MM. Sorry I do not have a Survival spec but I am sure you can adapt.

Last week I got really lucky and won two of the fake tier tokens off of LFR. From the same boss! I have to say, this deems more upgrades than I received on my hunter from T11 and T12 content in the past many months combined. Sad.

So what does this bonus do? It doubles the amount of focus gained from steady/cobra shot. This means that instead of internally adding "9" to our focus as we are pew pewing, we are now adding "18". Mind boggling no? I mean, it was easy to add an artificual 10-ish but now it's an artificial 20 less a couple.

Let's break it down. More focus means more focus dumps. As BM, our focus dump is Arcane Shot and Kill Command. I've found that my arcane shot usage has gone up substantially because of this, making it my most total damage done ability. This also affects our KC queue. The only change is that instead of having to cast two Cobras, we only have to cast one during that critical phase when we are at around 20 focus and KC is coming off cooldown. I also found it easier to maintain a relatively low focus pool by instantly burning an AS after my CS, and getting just enough focus for KC when it comes off cooldown. Also filling up focus in preparation for a Bestial Wrath is much quicker as well!

As MM, since we tend to cast our Steadies in pairs, this means that you are pretty much always going to have enough focus to do your hard casted Aimed Shot. The thing is seems focusing capping could be an issue, when our two steady shot buff wears out but we need to regen focus for our next aimed when Chimera Shot is on cooldown.

That's all for now, happy experimenting!

Turby the Hunter

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