
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hunter T13 4-Piece Bonus

Everyone rejoice! My need rolls have proven to be useful once again and I managed to sniped the T13 chest token off of Ultraxion a la Easy Mode! This called for much celebration then realizing how expensive inferno rubies were and that I had run out of stock on my jewelcrafter! Doh!

Anyways enough about me, more about the bonus. 
"Our Arcane Shots have a chance to grant 30% haste to us and our pets for 15 seconds".
Stop your brains from doing the maths and just think of it as: Your acane shots have a chance (and according to the internets this proc has a min icd of 110 seconds) to give you a short-lived bloodlust/heroism.

Yes, yes, that is nice and all but what does it mean? Well it means that you'll occasionally get thrown into bl/hero mode when everyone else isn't. The base effect for all three specs is more focus regen, and faster attacking speed/decreased casting times, but what would the differences be for the individual specs?

Beast Master

We will have even more focus to know what to do with it (well, except to USE it)! More haste means more regen means more abilities, but our pets also attack more rapidly giving us back more focus. This could be seen as occasional "free" bestial wraths without the damage bonus. Almost.

You see when running as BM, I don't get as excited over bl/hero as some other classes do.


Same with survival, we will have a lot more focus to work with and a lot more focus to dump, especially if you managed to proc this during a LnL phase.

Also as survival, I am even less interested in bl/hero due to our lack of cooldowns.


The funny thing with MM is that we rarely ever use AS, so it's up to you to track your cooldowns and hope to trigger this when you are high on focus to utilize it to dump off some aimed shots. I could see us going back to the careful aim phase of SS's and AiS's for the duration of this buff to fully utilize the increased haste.

Bl/Hero is mildly exciting for me when I am in my MM spec at the least since it makes aimed shots super super fast!

Turby the Stalker of Wyrms

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