
Friday, February 25, 2011

Reflexes: I Can Has!

Yes my dear, this is another one of those "Oh I got ganked while being flagged for PVP but redeemed myself stories". Let's see, let us start at the very beginning just to lay out all the little details.

I have been patrolling Scholazar Basin occasionally in hopes of taming the Green Devilsaur King Krush. To this very day I have not even seen him being tamed or killed. Anyways, I come prepared everytime I do my loop around the basin for a potential tame so I have my pet unsummoned, and because I'm just flying around in a low level zone I have a Random Beautiful Useless Weapon equipped just for its Beauty. I have a large collection of such random weird weapons, mostly from BC Heroics. King Krush hunt was a failure so I decided to do something that would guarantee me an actual "something". So I went to go mine some Elementium over in Twilight Highlands and perhaps make a loop to look for Karoma. If all else fails I will at least have a few Elementium Ores in my bag just for them being there. I have no use for them.

I was also in the process of "catching up" my achievements to my once-main character and I saw that Pest Control was only missing a single [Mouse]. Luckily, Twilight Highlands is right beside Wetlands, and said [Mice] are known to reside within Menethil Harbor, an Alliance Town.

I fly over, inevitably get flagged, kill mouse, return to mining.

Now things start getting hectic. I re-entered the zone starting at where that valley leads into Grim Batol. My gatherer states that there are many nodes on either sides of the valley so I fly low and try to scan each of the nodes. I get shot at!

"Oh crap it's another hunter who hates me!", I think to myself. I mouse over the agressor and realize it was only one of the combatant NPCs in the valley.  Phew.

I scan a node further up north of the valley and swoop down to gather it. As I am mining this node a DK or Paladin also flies in but it was too late for him. I had won. He was also horde but in my mind I was thinking "Damn, if he had been Alliance he'd probably try to kill me, I mean...I would try to kill me!"

I continue northbound through the valley and spot a Rich Node. I land and begin to mine. Before my mining action completes I get stunned by something. It was like I had been sapped by a rogue. I then see popping out of the shadows an NPC who is now hacking away at me. I stand there confused thinking "ok did that previous horde just jump on his Ally to kill me? No...", then I thought "Oh wait did those NPCs from earlier follow me? But I don't remember there being any rogues?" Then I thought "did he just Shadowmeld by this node WAITING for someone to show up? How rude!"

I was so confused. I stood there half waiting to die as I was so accustomed to on my Warlock, I mean "once you were stunned it was practically over", chimed a little bitter voice. I then moused over on this "person" and saw something Night Elf Warrior. Hmm....wait. A warrior is not a rogue. A rogue would have burst me down. I look back up at my Health Bar: 75%. Wait. A warrior? ALL UP IN MY MELEE? THIS IS DIRTY BUSINESS! Warriors grunt and drool and AUUGH!!

I clicked on my pet bar and summoned out a random pet (luckily it was a spirit beast who could heal) and I did everything I could muster up in that moment of shock to get him out of my comfort zone. My natural reaction was to Wing Clip, Intimidate, then Disengate right after he charges. It was only a matter of seconds until he charged and hamstringed me but with Bestial Wrath and the new Kill Command I had managed to burst him down faster than he could kill me while also throwing out a heal to myself. I even TAZED him and threw out a completely useless Distracting Shot in my confusion because he was attacking my pet because I still had this half-thought thinking he was some obscure NPC out to prevent me from acquiring Elementium.

It was over. I walked back over to claim my five elementium ores and flew off never to see that warrior again.

Now the question is: Do you kill the pet who does more damage than its master in short fights while risking the hunter's CCs or try to kill the hunter while igoring the insanely hard hitting pet? I say he should have tried to Warrior Fear the pet away, which I would then use Bestial Wrath to cancel it out? Who knows!

Turby the Hunter

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